Wherever you fall on the neurodivergent spectrum, the general feeling is one which seems like a square peg never fitting into a round hole.

It appears that the only way to function in life is to mould yourself to others’ standards in order to get by. You might feel that there is something wrong with you, that you ‘should’ be different or more like others, or ask yourself constantly, ‘why can’t I be like’ [fill the gap].

For a while you try to adapt and it works, but over time you start to feel tired, overwhelmed and like a failure. You crash and burn, needing to rest for a while until you regain the strength to get back up and face the world again, vowing to do things better next time, you just need to try harder.

But you realise you are spinning your wheels and cycling right back to square one each time, wondering if there is ever a way out.

Well there is!

It takes courage to ask for help and to recognise that there is a way out of the endless sense of feeling like you don’t belong.

I have been there myself and I have seen clients in the same position, who have taken steps to move closer to realising that there is a place for their unique and genuine selves.

I’m glad you have found me because I want to help you step into the right direction.

Hello, I’m Robyn.

I work with women from all walks of life and in all situations, to access their inner wisdom and find inspiration and a creative flow in order to feel more at home within themselves and become more accepting of their unique and genuine traits. Just like cacti, we come in different shapes and sizes.

As neurodivergent people, others sometimes don’t understand or appreciate us.

But… “if one can see the beauty in the strength of how a cactus blooms in the desert. They would see the beauty in the thorns it displays.” - Reena Sharma

Let’s embrace our full selves.

Thorns and all 🌵

About me.

I am an Integrative BACP registered Counsellor and Psychotherapist, with over 6 years experience as a CPCAB Certified Life Coach in private practice.

I am mother to a wonderful 7 year old son and a 2 year old therapy dog and I am passionate about helping others find simple tools for working through challenging feelings, using gentle practices in order to chip away at the big fog that may be hijacking their minds and heart spaces, in order to uncover a wealth of wisdom and self-love beneath the surface.

I use a range of coaching and counselling tools to integrate meaningful practices in order to make lasting change and work towards some level of sustainability, whilst tackling the inevitable ebbs and flows of daily life.

As a young girl growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, after much searching and struggling, I reached a point where I recognised the need for professional help and referred myself to therapy. Bit by bit, I began to learn to appreciate my genuine needs and desires and my unique qualities.

About my practice.

I offer an initial 20 minute conversation to explore how we might work together. If you are then happy to go ahead, I will offer you the space to explore what might be at the root of your negative feelings.

With compassion and care, I help you observe and process your feelings and experiences so that you can tap into your own wisdom. I support you to take small steady steps, using tailor-made practical and accessible tools with the hope that you will become inspired to create meaning and purpose in your life.

Client appreciation.

MA (BACP) Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy (current) PGDip (BACP) Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy
Level 2 Counselling Skills
Level 3 Life Coaching Skills

Chat with me.

I offer a free 20 minute chat to explore how I can best serve you.