A lot of people feel anxious about starting counselling so here are some questions to help put your mind at ease 🌵

What happens in the first session?

The first session is really just an introduction to get to know each other, I will ask you a few things about yourself to paint a picture and you can ask me any questions you like. There will be a little bit of paperwork but I will try to keep it as relaxed and informal as possible.

Is counselling confidential?

What’s discussed in counselling is confidential and stays between us but there are a few exceptions to this which we will talk about during our first meeting.

What are your working hours?

My working hours are Monday to Wednesday between 9.30am and 2pm.

Do you work in person or online?

I currently only have availability for online sessions, however if you get in touch and let me know you would like to work face to face, I can add you to the waiting list for in person counselling.

How do I make an appointment?

The best way to contact me is via email at robynsarahstocker@gmail.com or you can complete a contact form via one of the Book a Call links.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on your individual needs. It can range anywhere from several sessions to several months and is based on what comes up through the work and a jointly agreed timescale. The idea is not to keep you in therapy indefinitely but to provide you with the exploration and tools to allow you to work towards your desired outcomes and become able to manage any challenges independently. I generally start off with 6 sessions and then we would review to see what’s needed.

How much do you charge per session?

My session rate is £60 for 50 minutes and this is payable 24 hours in advance by BACS.

How often do we meet?

We would normally meet once a week in order to maintain consistent progress.

What is considered neurodivergent? Do I need to have a diagnosis to work with you?

Although the original sense of the word neurodivergent is to describe the the diversity in neurological wiring that we all have as a species, I am using the term ‘neurodivergent’ in the popular sense which includes anyone who might consider themselves different from what is ‘typical’.

I do not have set boundaries around what constitutes neurodivergent and so anyone who is curious about whether they are neurodivergent, identify as neurodivergent or are diagnosed with ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia or any other neurotype who feels they relate to what I’m offering here is absolutely welcome.

Will I receive Coaching and Counselling in the same session?

My main offering is counselling and I include coaching tools as part of the work. However, if you would like to have coaching on its own, we can have a chat to see if this is a more suitable offering.

Is there anything else I need to know?

I do have a therapy dog called Biscuit and he will be present during sessions.

More questions?

Feel free to contact me or book a chat with me below.