Feel more at home in your neurodivergent skin.

Is this you?

  • I feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, uninspired and like I’ve lost a sense of who I am and what I stand for.

  • I feel like a square peg in a round hole and don’t know where I fit.

  • I feel anxious all the time, and feel as though I don’t have a place in the world.

  • I feel bad about myself and don’t know how to love me

    If this sounds familiar, get in touch to see how I can help.

Hello, I’m a Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Certified Life Coach, and I work with women, and those who identify as female, who consider themselves neurodivergent. Supporting them to embrace their true nature and find self-acceptance, leading them to feel more inspired, creative and motivated.

We all come in different shapes and sizes. In a time when neurodivergent minds are becoming more visible, I would love to see a world filled with more kindness and acceptance where people feel worthy and capable with full hearts and beaming smiles. Sounds too good to be true? Well it probably is, given the nature of life.

Yet we can still aspire to a more hopeful reality than to a bleaker one. To move closer to this, I want to play my part in helping others to recognise that we all have an inner wisdom and personal qualities which allow us to make sustainable changes in our lives, and that we can find ways to tackle whatever life throws at us.

What we will work towards.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, uninspired, anxious, lost and don’t like who you are but would like to find a way to reconnect with your creative, loving and genuine self, I can support you.

From working with me in therapy, you might expect to experience…

  • Feeling more calm with a clearer mind.

  • Less anxiety and more energy available to focus on other things. More inspiration, motivation and creativity.

  • A feeling of deeper purpose and control over your day to day life. A better sense of self-acceptance and ease in embracing your genuine self, not feeling a need to perform and act in ways that don’t match up with how you’re feeling inside.

  • A sense that you deserve good things and that your time, space and energy are important.

  • Better relationships with others as a result of appreciating your own personal powers and becoming more comfortable with who you are and your unique qualities.

Let’s connect and see if it’s a good fit.

Free session lasts 20 minutes. There is no commitment, pressure, or obligation.